The silence of life
V tišini življenja
87 min
Bridges on the pictures of the sky
Mostovi na slikah neba
50 min
The moon beneath the water
Luna pod vodo
85 min
Stand up, all victims of oppression
Vstanimo v suženjstvo zakleti
50 min
Exemplary Behaviour
Vzorno vedenje
84 min
TV Documentary
52 min
Every sould of my body
Vse duše mojega telesa
TV Documentary
50 min
Art Chronicles
Samorastniške kronike
TV Documentary
25 min
Piano Player in White
Pianist v belem
TV Documentary
50 min
Like a Bullet Around Europe
Kot krogla po Evropi
TV Documentary
50 min
TV Documentary
50 min
Toše, The Hardest Thing
Toše, The Hardest Thing
Documentary, full-length
90 min
The Flying Rusjan Brothers
Leteča brata Rusjan
TV Documentary
50 min
Let there be light
Luč naj bo
TV Documentary
50 min
A Handful of Sadness
Prgišče žalosti, Afganistan
TV Documentary
50 min
State of Joy
Mesto sreče
TV Documentary
50 min
What about Mr. Bach?
Kaj pa gospod Bach?
Documentary, full-length
80 min
Waltz for 4
Valček za štiri
TV Documentary
50 min
All Birds Fly
Leti, leti.. ženska?
Short, documentary
15 min
Lost Formula of Janez Puhar
Izgubljena formula Janeza Puharja
TV Documentary
50 min
From Kolpa to Krka and back
Od Kolpe do Krke in nazaj
TV Documentary
27 min
Lost dreams of dr. France Prešeren
Izgubljene sanje dr. Franceta Prešerna
TV Documentary
26 min