Wracked piano
Pošvedrani klavir
Fiction, full-length,
Celovečerni igrani film
No man's land
Nikogaršnje ozemlje
Fiction, full-length,
Celovečerni igrani film
Igor in Rosa
Fiction, full-lenght
Celovečerni igrani film
The maiden danced to death
Deviški ples smrti
Fiction, full-length,
Celovečerni igrani film
Generation 71
Generacija 71
Docudrama, full-length
Celovečerni dokumentarno igrani film
Fiction, short
Kratki igrani film
Docudrama, full-length
Celovečerni igrano dokumentarni film
Ministry of love
Ministrstvo ljubezni
Fiction, full-length,
Celovečerni igrani film
Story about success
Zgodba o uspehu
Fiction, short
Kratki igrani film
The Dawn
Fiction, short
Kratki igrani film
Ink tips
Pisma iz Egipta
TV Fiction, full-length,
Celovečerni igrani film
The hostage
Fiction, full-length,
Celovečerni igrani film
Lily`s story
Zgodba o Lili
Fiction, full-length,
Celovečerni igrani film
Blues for Sara
Blues za Saro
Fiction, full-length,
Celovečerni igrani film
Bau bau
Bau bau
Fiction, short
Kratki igrani film
The American dream
Ameriške sanje
Fiction, short
Kratki igrani film