dokumentarni film
DURATION/dolžina: 50 MIN
DIRECTOR/režiser: BORIS JURJAŠEVIČ DOP/direktor fotografije: SAMO PODOBNIK |
Casablanca Film Production (Slovenia) COPRODUCER/koproducent: RTV Slovenija |
STATUS/status: IN PRODUCTION / v produkciji
Med letoma 1960 in 1970 v Mariboru zaživita glasbeni struji, ki sta svoje korenine pognali v ZDA in Angliji, rock'n'roll in beat. Film Dravski beat s pogovori, z intervjuji, dokumenti, s fotografijami in filmskimi posnetki po šestdesetih letih obuja spomin na generacijo, ki fanatično podoživlja angleško in ameriško glasbo, in daje priložnost, da neposredno izrazi mnenje o tedanjem času in oceni svojo glasbeno poslanstvo.
Between the 1960s and 1970s, musical currents that had their roots in the USA and England, rock'n'roll and beat, came to life in Maribor. With conversations, interviews, documents, photographs and film footage from the sixties, the film revives the memory of a generation that fanatically relives English and American music, and gives the opportunity to directly express an opinion about that time and assess its musical mission.
Between the 1960s and 1970s, musical currents that had their roots in the USA and England, rock'n'roll and beat, came to life in Maribor. With conversations, interviews, documents, photographs and film footage from the sixties, the film revives the memory of a generation that fanatically relives English and American music, and gives the opportunity to directly express an opinion about that time and assess its musical mission.